Earlier this month our team took nine talented young people from this year’s Street Elite programme to Salou, Spain for a training development week.
Each of the young people were nominated for the coaching academy by their Coach mentors because of their natural leadership skills and desire to give back to their communities. Considering the extensive amount of talent within this years Street Elite cohorts, being selected for this opportunity is an incredible achievement.
For some of the young people, this was their first trip ever overseas trip whilst for others it was their first holiday away from family… or their parents! The five day event was hosted at the Cambrils Sports Complex; A renowned sports facility which to everyone’s excitement co-hosted Saudi Arabia’s U-21’s football team on a neighbouring training pitch throughout the week.
The academy was made up of five women and four men who aspire to become a sport for social change mentor. On the trip, each young person led a sports session with a rooted social messaging theme behind it. Using sports such as football, NFL, netball, handball and boxing, social topics such as having faith in the people around you, sexism and mental health were explored.
Each session was peer assessed and the feedback will be applied to the original session plans the support of our Coach Mentor team. The final result? A fully scripted 12-week coaching plan, that the young people will deliver back to their local communities in the coming months.
The trip was filled with excitement from start to finish. Evenings full of team building exercises, sociable dinner times and even a Spa hour, meant everyone flew home feeling elated and ready for the next stage of their development.
Elle is one of the Coach Mentors that supported on the trip. Reflecting back on the week she shared: “It was a unique experience and opportunity for our young people to learn and develop their skills and leadership around sport. It is inspirational being a part of the young people’s lives and extremely wholesome watching them deliver back what they have learned to their local communities.”
Thank you to each of the young people and our Coach Mentor team for their enthusiasm and contribution to the success of this trip!