Celebrating International Women’s Day.

We can’t believe International Women’s Day has come around again already!

Every year on the 8th March we are reminded of the inspirational network of people around us that #empower and #motivate women and girls in sport. We are so proud to be able to work with each and every person throughout the year.

Since we launched our ‘Change the Game Not the Girl’ campaign in New Zealand last November, we’ve seen this network continue to grow on both a national and international scale.

Change the Game Not the Girl highlights barriers that marginalised women & girls face in sports & educates sports facilitators on how to adapt sports to help them feel engaged & empowered. 💪 🌟

A few brave women and girls on our programmes took up the challenge of sharing some of the barriers they face when taking part in sports. Watch the video HERE to hear what they had to share.

If you haven’t already, make sure you contact communications@changefdn.org.uk to receive updates on the campaign throughout this year. There are big things coming!

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