Changing Lives Through The Power of Dance Therapy

The Change Foundation first delivered the Dance 4 Change community programme to the residents of Peckham, South-East London in 2015. The programme uses dance to empower young women aged 16-25 from marginalised backgrounds. Our team is passionate about ensuring the programme utilises the full potential that dance has in developing positive mental health and wellbeing.
Over the years our team has been improving the Dance 4 Change programme, continuously learning, and responding to the needs of girls and young women along the way. We have had an incredible amount of support from funders such as Comic Relief, Impact100, Garfield Weston, MIND and the incredible individuals that took part in our Strictly for Change dance competition in 2019. This is just to name a few. This journey has allowed us to redesign Dance 4 Change and provide young women with engaging dance sessions of different genres, with credible Coach Mentors with lived experience and dance therapy support.
The new design introduces methods of Dance Movement Therapy; also known as DMT, that utilises the movement of dance to help an individual achieve and improve their emotional, cognitive, physical, and social integration. Having recruited an experienced dance psychotherapist, community dance specialist and trained psychologist on the programme, Dance 4 Change now offers its participants an even greater level of support. We are grateful to the London Community Response Fund and Mayor of London for their support to relaunch the programme to help change more lives.

The Change Foundation understands the potential that exists within D.M.T. We look forward to seeing how the new improvements to the programme will help more young women to achieve their full potential through the power of dance.

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