Congratulating London Futures Graduates – Class of 2023

Today, 15 young people from our London Futures programme celebrated their graduation at TDR Capital’s Central London offices.

London Futures is a disability employment programme that uses sport to transition young people into work, education or training through sport and personalised career development.

During the ceremony, each graduate was given a glass plaque and a certificate to commemorate their amazing achievements over the past year.

Varying from work experience, employment success and personal development each of the young people had a personal to celebrate.

TDR first began supporting the programme back in 2021 and has since been a dedicated supporter of the programme.

Nigel Smith is Head of ESG and Sustainability at TDR and a familiar face to each of the London Futures participants. His commitment to the programme’s success has created incredible opportunities for young people and had a huge influence on their development.

This summer, for example, Nigel organised for the programme to visit a TESCO supermarket for a day of work experience. Opportunities like this transform the journey of programme participants.  

Thank you to Nigel, the TDR Capital team and all our dedicated Coach Mentors for making this year another success for the London Futures programme.

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