Lambeth Election Success For Former Graduate

Today we celebrate our ‘Generation STORM’ programme graduate Theresa Oghenetejiri Enemua following her recent #election success!

Theresa shared: “I recently won an election for the ‘Lambeth Youth Assembly’ co-chair position. On that day I read out my manifesto on what I wanted to achieve if I was to win. This position had two spaces and I won that space after getting the majority of the vote.

“Now that I have won I have to attend engagements, chair meetings and represent the council in a much more public way.

“My reason for applying was to start building my political portfolio, since I want to become an MP and hopefully a PM when I am older. I also want to make my borough a respected borough.

“Lambeth is known for gang culture and negative things. I want to change that perspective that people have. I want to make Lambeth a place that people know what do to post-16 and also make sure that residents trust agencies of social control like the police, who have proven themselves as incompetent in this borough on multiple occasions.”

Incredible achievement Theresa, well done!

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