Jodie starts her new career!

The Coronavirus pandemic created lots of challenges across our programmes, but through creativity, determination and great support from our partners at The Berkeley Foundation, this year we have been able to create some wonderful opportunities and outcomes for our Street Elite graduates.


Young people on the programme are currently undergoing work placements throughout various areas of the business at Berkeley and in a variety of different professions, including carpentry, quantity surveying and sales and marketing. Many of the group are in the process of completing their CSCS qualifications and have been taking part in online training workshops, as well as site tours on Berkeley Homes development sites. In addition to this, we have been conducting one to one interview preparation sessions via zoom and are helping our young people with their college course applications. One graduate, Jodie, has impressed this year, showing huge improvements in self-confidence, determination and hard work.


“The build team have sung her praises and said she has been very well engaged, very enthusiastic and is asking plenty of relevant questions. She was early this morning and seems very interested in the whole process of development”, said Jodie’s placement co-ordinator.


Upon successful completion of a two week work placement, Jodie was invited to interview for an apprenticeship opportunity. After completing hours of online interview practice with her Change Foundation Coach Mentor, Shedaine, she has been offered a full time apprenticeship in quantity surveying. This is a wonderful achievement and the first time we have had a female Street Elite graduate progress into quantity surveying, a highly skilled job with fantastic career prospects.

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