From Street Elite Graduate to Full-time First Aider.

Rhi is one of this year’s Street Elite Graduates. She was recruited in Hammersmith by our Coach Mentors Elle and Ross in December 2021, and although she was initially encouraged to attend the sessions for the £20 incentive, Rhi quickly became invested in the programme.

She shared: “It became something fun to do on a Tuesday, because of the fitness and the people.”

Since joining the programme earlier this year, Rhi turned 18 and completed a first aid training course. It meant that when she met professional first aiders whilst volunteering at a Street Elite event this summer, she was able to ask them for work experience. Her skills, positive personality and dedicated attitude to working quickly led to full time employment, and Rhi is now a full-time employed first aider!

Rhi shared: “I’ve quickly learnt to be more sociable through this job because every event is different and you need confidence and trust to work with whoever walks through the door.’

“Street Elite definitely gave me the confidence to do this work because the gyms and places we would train in meant you had to speak to new people all the time.”

In the future, Rhi wants to become an immediate responder in London and become a mentor within her local community. Having graduated from the programme, she is now invested in giving back to her local community.

She added: “I want to become a mentor to help young people in my area tackle things like knife crime and bullying.’

“My Coach Mentor Elle is the best and she’s really supported me to get to where I am and I’d like to do that as well.”

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