TCF Back in the Game

We as Coach Mentors at The Change Foundation are so thrilled to have begun our phased return to in person delivery with our young people. As generally very sporty and highly energised individuals, we have felt so encouraged to have been able to put our work tracksuits back on and pack our kit bags to head out to deliver sessions for our young people in person. Hear from our Coach Mentors personal thoughts and feelings about returning to delivery.

Our Senior Coach Mentor, Elle who leads on our new NFL Flag Football pilot project which is delivered in schools for young women across the summer term shares:

“As the day comes closer, I find my emotions vary every day. One day I become apprehensive about how sessions will go with the adaptations, and the next I am excited to know I will be seeing the young people in person and gauge a stronger understanding of how the past year has affected them. Overall, I am eager to utilise new skills to find my new path for delivery of sessions and create a bigger and better impact.”

Our Impact and Insight Officer, Daniel Mynott who leads on our new Fencing pilot project in partnership with British Fencing which is delivered in special schools for young people with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) shares:

“Naturally going back to in person delivery is quite nerve wracking as we have been isolated in our own homes for so long now. At the same time, I am quite excited to get back into the swing of things as I am not sure how many more zooms I could have done! They can’t replace sport in person.”

Our Women and Girls Programmes Manager, Maddy who leads on our Girls Win goalsetting programme for young women with a disability shares:

“I am super excited to be back coaching in person and the park meet ups we did over Easter half-term were a perfect way to celebrate being together again and get back into our routine. The only thing I am worried about is the long commutes! That will be a real adjustment, after all our virtual delivery. Overall, I’m so happy to be back delivering again in person and we are so excited that our Girls Win community clubs and school sessions are resuming from the start of May.”

Our Women and Girls Programme Manager, Shedaine who leads our Netball 4 Change London programme and Street Elite programme female cohorts’ shares:

“I am really excited about face-to-face delivery. It makes me feel like I am slowly getting my groove back. I am also over the moon to hear about what the young people have been up to during lockdown. However, the most important thing I am excited about is learning different TikTok dance moves at the end of our sessions and show them that “miss” as they call me, has moves as well! My only worry is relearning my coaching style and travelling to sessions all over London after so long.”

Our Senior Coach Mentor, Dan Lineker who leads on our Refugee Cricket Project shares:

I am looking forward to seeing young people have fun and playing sports again, as well as catching up with their different experiences over the last year. Our Refugee Cricket Project returned to face-to-face delivery outdoors during the Easter holiday break.”

Our Senior Coach Mentor, Dean who leads on our 12 Rounds boxing programme shares:

I am really looking forward to finally being able to get our 12 Rounds programme back underway and can’t wait to meet the young people in the schools we will be delivering in.”

Our Disability Programmes Manager, Ryan who leads on our London Futures employability programme for young people aged 18 – 25 with a learning disability shares:

“I am excited to be back at face-to-face sessions, although a little nervous and worried as I hope I have not forgotten all the important skills when coaching in person. But I feel I have learned so much and can use some of the skills I have learned through lockdown when working with young people in person. Our London Futures sessions are up and running again with a mix of outdoor activities and in classroom workshops.”

As a collective, our Coach Mentors have summarised their mix of feelings around our return to delivery through the following words:

#Adventurous #Apprehensive #Flexible #Excited #Nervous #Optimistic #Energised #Ecstatic #Scared #Buzzing #Happy #Enthusiastic #Eager #Anxious #Relieved

We as Coach Mentors would like to say a huge thank you to our friends, supporters, and funders for their continued support during this challenging time. We have learned so much and are really looking forward to taking some of our learnings into our face-to-face sessions going forward.

If you would like more information on our programmes and our return to delivery, please contact our Head of Programmes, Henry Glynn.

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