Water Wipe Out in Waltham Cross

Last week our London Futures disability programme headed to Lee Valley Water Adventure Park. to tackle their ‘Water Wipe Out’ course. 💧

The iconic venue hosted the 2012 Olympic water sports competitions and offers a range of activities including a rapid rides, kayaking and hydrospeeding.

Taking London Futures participants on activity days that challenge them is one way we encourage the young people to build their confidence. By developing personal strengths such as self-confidence a young person is more likely to secure long-term employment.

Although there were chilly weather conditions, it didn’t stop anyone from taking on the obstacle course. With the additional support of Lee Valley’s instructors Tim and Doug, and our Coach Mentors, each of the 14 young people taking part felt safe and had fun.

We look forward to visiting again next year!

To sign up and hear more about joining London Futures please contact Ryan Jones .📧

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