Warrior Mindset with Laureus and MUFG

The Change Foundation delivered a unique ‘Warrior Mindset’ workshop for partners Laureus Sport for Good and their Global Partner MUFG, to motivate employees in the Fitprints for Good campaign. Fitprints will see MUFG employees cover the distance from Johannesburg to London by cycling or running at home, recording their distances, and raising much needed funds for Laureus Sport for Good and their partners.

As part of this campaign, The Change Foundation helped encourage their employees to get active and delivered a virtual fitness session. The session started with a discussion about overcoming challenges and developing the ability to control your attitude and finding your ‘why’. The group then took part in an isometric contraction challenge designed to test the application of ‘mind over matter’. The session ended with a reflection of everyone’s ‘purpose pyramid’, which helps to identify the things in your life which are worth keeping and block out the ‘noise’ that we don’t need.

The Warrior Mindset workshop helps you understand that all backgrounds, all sizes, all skill levels have an inner warrior. It breaks down assumptions that ‘if you look tough, you are tough’ and enables you to understand that your motivation and your purpose is what helps you to complete challenges. Well done everyone for taking part and sharing your ‘why’ with us.

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